Kanogo: vapourware to beta in 24 hours

September 2011
TL;DR Last week I built the first beta of a new web product called Kanogo. It’s designed to gather feedback and perform Kano analysis to determine which direction you should take with your website. Here's an example, designed specifically for this blog. Thanks for your feedback! Sign up for the beta here.

The backstory

A while back I agonising over which should be the next greatest feature for one of my products. I thought the best thing to do would be to conduct some Kano analysis on the product in question, and realised there wasn’t an easy way of doing this. I’ve used kanosurvey.com in the past, but it didn’t really feel like the right tool. How was I to get users to answer my survey?

“Wouldn’t it be great,” I thought, “if I could embed a little survey box on the site that asked customers what they thought and provided me with Kano analysis stats?” The concept behind Kanogo was born.

Fast forward several months to last week. I found myself with a few days spare and decided that the best use of them would be to build a beta of this product. Always up for a challenge, I decided to give myself 24 hours to build and launch.

That’s not very long, so I had to hustle.


7 Sep: 12:10am: I announced my intentions, mostly to motivate myself through fear of failing in public. I finally decided on a name, and registered the domain and the twitter account. I announced the product to the world (well, a subset).

7 Sep: 01:55am: Got a new Rails 3.1 app running on Heroku cedar. It’s a one page app using a Campaign Monitor signup form. Got my first beta signup. Finished for the night.

7 Sep: 07:40am: Announced Kanogo again, just in case anyone had been sleeping at 2am :) Got another 3 beta signups and a bunch of feedback on spelling errors.

7 Sep: 10:13am: Simple twitter sign in done using Omniauth and this really useful tutorial.

7 Sep: 02:45pm: The USA woke up and I got more beta signups: now up to 5. Got the basic data entry for surveys and features done. Started work on the embed. Was feeling fairly pessimistic about a beta launch for that night, but didn’t want to let myself down.

7 Sep: 05:53pm: Embed done, quicker than expected. Took a break. Now feeling cautiously optimistic.

7 Sep: 09:12pm: Basic response mechanism in: now needed to apply the Kano analysis magic! Adrenalin took over from caffiene as primary stimulant.

7 Sep: 11:20pm: Turned on twitter sign in as basic method of getting registered on the site. Removed redundant Campaign Monitor signup: emailed subscribers manually to ask them to sign in via twitter. Beta went live!

The result



After 24 hours, I had a beta running, which worked. Granted, it wasn’t great, but it was something that had some value.

I spent the rest of the evening and following morning promoting the beta on mailing lists and on twitter. By the end of the following day I had 30 or so beta signups.

It’s already adding value to beta users. Two sites using the beta already on their own products. One beta user has now decied to implement a feature as he’s realised his customers consider it a “must have”. There’s no substitute for real feedback.


Some of the things I’ve learned so far:

  • Cloud tools are the business. It was so easy to register the domain with dnsimple.com, start up a twitter account for marketing and customer interaction, deploy to Heroku, get initial beta signups with Campaign Monitor.

  • Modern development tools rock. I used Rails 3.1 for this app, which worked beautifully, and I love the use of sprockets to help manage the asset pipeline. Running the app on Heroku cedar went without a hitch. I used twitter for authentication, and it only took an hour to set up.

  • There is no “quick and dirty”. The app is (almost) fully tested: I confess I left a couple of methods only covered by end-to-end tests (which doesn’t really count). I definitely proved that the only way to go fast is to go clean: Jason was right that there is no “quick and dirty” only “slow and dirty”. This came back to bite me instantly: the code I didn’t use specs for took me the longest to get working.

  • Technology is the easy part. It didn’t take me long to build the site, but the trick is to build a business. After initial interest, the analytics on the site are way down as the next new thing appears on the internet and people move on. To gain traction I need to build the app my beta users actually want. Thankfully, quick feedback is what Kanogo does, so we’re eating our own dogfood and asking our users what they think at every turn. This is already directing which features I work on next, which has to be the most efficient way of moving forward, right?

What’s next?

I plan to continue working on this, listening to beta user feedback, refining the features, and accepting new beta signup for the moment. I hope to turn this into a paid product at some point, as I think there’s a huge amount of value here to websites if I can get the messaging right.

Can I get involved?

Sure! It’s not too late to join the beta: you can do so here. I’d love your feedback on the product. It can give you value anywhere you have users of a website, even on a blog as shown above.

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The Sol Trader Christmas Eve update: moddable missions

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This build is now available on the forums should you have access (there’s still time if you don’t.)

kill mission

I’ve built a few missions to start with, including delivering parcels for business or personal reasons, taking characters on business trips and making other characters disappear. It’s great fun to have a variety of things to do for characters now and adds yet more colour to the game. Because it’s completely moddable, I’m also excited to see what storylines other people come up with!

Under the hood

The full details of how to create your own missions are available as a lengthy forum post, which will be kept up to date with changes and clarifications. Here’s an overview:

The missions are organised into packs, which exists under the data/missions subfolder. If you have access to the beta builds, you’ll see there’s one pack there already: these are the missions that are built in to the game.

There are several csv files in each mission folder:

  • requirements.csv: This file details the cases in which this mission might be triggered. Each character in the game has a chance of picking this mission (and becoming the ‘giver’ of the mission), based on the conditions imposed by this file.
  • conversation_player.csv: The extra conversation options available to the player because of this mission.
  • conversation_ai_response.csv: The extra options the AI can choose from as conversation responses.
  • opinions.csv: The extra opinion triggers, used for reactions to the generation and completion of these missions.
  • strings.csv: The new strings needed for the previous CSV files.

The possibilities for you to build your own missions are expanding all the time, as I add new missions triggers and possible goals for the AI.

business trip

What’s next?

At the moment it’s possible to take on any mission from any person, which isn’t very realistic. I need to allow players to gain other character’s trust, so that they will only give you sensitive missions in certain cases. Additionally it will soon be possible to start a career with an organisation, which will give you a rank, a certain amount of built in trust, and access to more senior characters.

I’m also going to be working on the in-space AI very soon. At the moment only freelance traders fly around between planets: it’s time we had passenger ships, military guards and pirates thrown into the mix.

Have a fantastic Christmas and I’ll see you all in the new year with some more updates.

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New Sol Trader beta: the science of blame and unforgiveness

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There’s a new beta available on the forums if you have insider access.

Dudley and Meredith

In the example on the left, we can see that an acrimonious divorce of Meredith’s parents has left an indelible mark on her childhood. She now has a very low opinion of her father, Dudley.

When characters are adults, they can then generate a series of ‘favours’ (or ‘missions’) that they want completed. This is a source of work for the players, although completing certain missions does have real consequences on your relationships with the target of the mission. If they find out you’ve taken a mission against them, then they won’t be happy with you.

To continue our example, Meredith, whom we are now married to, wants us to find out some potentially incriminating information about our own father-in-law, Dudley. It’s up to us whether we take it or not. If he finds out, we’ll make an enemy of him.

Is it worth getting involved in this feud?

As the game goes on, the player will get embroiled in these relationships between the various characters and be able to directly affect their stories. Choosing what to take on and who to ally yourself with forms a major part of Sol Trader’s gameplay.

Sarina’s spiral of doom

Another example: the sad tale of Sarina, our older half sister. I picked Dagny and Warren in history generation to be my character’s parents, knowing that Dagny was cheating on her husband Hayden, mostly to see what happened. Little did I know how much it would affect Sarina, Dagny and Hayden’s eight year old daughter. When she found out about my birth, she got very upset.

She didn’t blame me, thankfully, although she never thought much of me. However, she never really spoke to our mother again, especially since her beloved father Hayden died soon after we were born.

She left home at a young age, and became a political assistant, but she didn’t make too many friends. She was doing ok for a time, only to find out that the love of her life, Richard Ruhr, had been having an affair behind her back all along.

She divorced him, got depressed, quit her job and by the time I grew to adulthood at the start of the game, she was living in a hippie commune somewhere on Mercury, trying desperately to get some gossip on her ex-husband.

New beta out now

This new beta is now available from the forum if you have purchased insider access (if you haven’t there’s still time.) Let me know if you find any other interesting stories such as these!

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